Who We Are
Ohio Animal Advocates (OAA) advocates for animals by affecting systemic change and working toward the humane treatment of all animals.
We address animal welfare in Ohio’s communities by supporting local and state legislation to prevent animal cruelty. We also create education initiatives and campaigns to raise awareness of threats to many species and improve the lives of animals throughout our state.
Founded in 2018, OAA started as a small group of Ohioans focused on addressing the unmet needs of the state's animals. Since then, we have grown into a statewide organization that serves as a leader in the animal protection movement. OAA advocates for policies that protect animals and ensures humane laws are enforced. We create practical solutions to address animal cruelty and challenge systems that harm animals, helping shift animal protection from a fringe issue to one that is taken seriously by the public and policymakers.
Our mission is to make Ohio a place where all animals are protected from cruelty, abuse, and neglect.
We envision an Ohio that serves as a national model for the humane treatment of animals.
We champion the advancement of animal welfare in Ohio by:
Initiating & implementing effective humane policies and programs.
Building diverse partnerships & leading collaborative efforts.
Achieving positive, innovative solutions.
Applying the best available research and information.
Involving all citizens and stakeholders.
Why OAA?
The need for a statewide organization to address animal welfare is the missing link to moving animal welfare forward in Ohio. The animal welfare movement is a young movement in comparison to other social welfare efforts. For example, the environmental movement was launched in the 1970s on a national level, but it wasn’t until state and local environmental organizations were created in the 1980s/1990s that the movement created real change on the ground. These local organizations had the ability to identify state-specific needs and network diverse parties of interest into a consolidated voice with shared goals, enabling the environmental movement to develop consensus-based solutions.
The animal welfare movement continues its work to pass animal welfare legislation through national organizations. Following the successful lead of other movements, a statewide animal welfare organization needs to exist to address the implementation of protections at a state and local level. Several other states have already formed organizations to address this need, and it was time for Ohio to do the same. Ohio Animal Advocates was created to fill this critical niche in Ohio.

Ohio’s Animal Welfare Challenge
In the United States, 66% of households have pets, and polls continue to show that the public cares deeply about animal welfare, according to the World Animal Foundation (2024). Society recognizes that we have a responsibility to all animals - companion animals, farmed animals, and wildlife - and that we must be a voice for the voiceless.
In 2012, Ohio ranked 45th in the nation for animal welfare protection according to the Animal Legal Defense Fund’s annual state protection laws ranking. Over the last decade, Ohio’s animal welfare advocates worked hard to raise that ranking. With the passing of comprehensive cross-reporting laws, Ohio rose to 18th in the nation in 2024 because of our comprehensive advocacy for animals.
Though Ohio has had a notorious reputation in the past for its weak animal protection laws, the state rose in rank after the passage of puppy mill regulations; the exotics species ban; the widespread desire to improve farmed animal care standards; and the passage of bills that enhanced felony cruelty penalties, provided for pet protective orders, and criminalized bestiality and felony cockfighting. We now have an opportunity to build on this momentum of the past decade and move Ohio into the forefront of animal protection, using these successes as a solid foundation upon which to build.
There are still critical animal welfare issues that need to be addressed in Ohio. Many of these issues also impact the human condition regarding domestic violence, public safety, and quality of life. Ohio continues to face great challenges with issues including puppy mills; animal hoarding; blood sports; tethering of animals in extreme weather; breed discrimination; companion, equine, and farmed animal cruelty; and the need to reduce the population of homeless animals, thus reducing euthanasia rates in Ohio’s shelters.
Ohio has much progress to make to be able to claim the status of a humane state that enhances the quality of life for all. And we stand ready to win that challenge. Our advocacy efforts allow us to focus where the highest needs meet our best ability to make progress.
The OAA Team
Vicki Deisner, Esq. - Executive Director
Andrea Nadolny - Chief of Staff
Deb Molinaro - Finance Coordinator
Megann Smith - Administrative Coordinator
Megan Moon - President
Kailey Leary, Esq. - Vice President
Chris Riggi, JD - Treasurer
Jazzma Quinn - Secretary
Dr. Alba Gonzalez
Katie Krafka
Shelley Lieberman
Whitney Maiden, MBA
Rebekah Ribando
Human-Animal Bond
Dr. Jessica Bilbo - Senior Research Scientist, Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging
Dan Spehar - Co-Founder, Together Initiative for Ohio’s Community Cats, Cleveland, OH
Dr. Aviva Vincent, LMSW, PhD - Adjunct Professor, Mandell School of Applied Social Sciences, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
Dr. Mark Bamberger, Esq. - Criminal Defense, Washington Township, OH
Julie Mills, Esq. - Business and Nonprofit Law, Columbus, OH
Pete Precario, Esq. - Nonprofit, Environmental, and Animal Welfare Law, Columbus, OH
Kyle Silvers, Esq. - Medical Malpractice and Animal Welfare Law, Toledo, OH
Dr. Alana Van Gundy, Esq. - Domestic Violence and Animal Law, Dayton, OH
Public Relations
Mindy Drayer - TV & Radio Personality, Columbus, OH
Jack Shaner - Business Development Consultant, Former Senior Director at Ohio Env. Council, Columbus, OH
Resource Development
Virginia Aveni - Former Ohio State Representative, Cleveland, OH
Kristan Finn - Communications Specialist at GSW Advertising, Columbus, OH
Dana Textoris - Managing Director at GrantsPlus, Cleveland, OH
Tim Wagner - Financial Consultant, Columbus, OH
Kurt Waltzer - Strategic Advisor, Clean Air Task Force, Columbus, OH
Niki Williams - RESCUEDOhio and Financial Analyst, Asset Strategies Group, Columbus, OH
Dr. Nicolas Jew - Avian & Exotics Veterinarian, Columbus, OH
Dr. Joanna Reen - Veterinary Surgeon, Licking County TNR
Kristin Balonier, Statewide Resource List Development
Erin Lawson, Statewide Spay/Neuter and TNR List Manager
Lauren Mowles, Statewide Safe Haven List Manager
Valerie Passoa, Statewide Pet Food Pantry List Manager
Jazzma Quinn, Statewide Where to Report Cruelty List Manager
Adam Sinnary, Statewide Resource List Development
Our work is not done alone. Fundamental change can be accomplished through the collaborative efforts of diverse stakeholders who come together to work on innovative solutions. OAA is continually building a statewide network of partners including social workers, veterinarians, prosecutors, attorneys, law enforcement, counselors, teachers, policymakers, and animal welfare organizations, as well as grassroots and grasstop organizations. The following are those we support, advocate for, partner and/or collaborate with, or utilize as resources.
Coalition of State Animal Advocacy Organizations (CSAAO)
John Glenn College of Public Affairs – The Ohio State University
“It’s not enough to love animals; we must actively protect and preserve them. It’s our duty and responsibility as custodians of this planet.”
— Daphne Sheldrick