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Cats, Advocacy Ohio Animal Advocates Cats, Advocacy Ohio Animal Advocates

Massachusetts Bans Cat Declawing: A Win for Feline Welfare

Massachusetts has officially banned the practice of cat declawing, marking a significant victory for animal advocates who have long argued against the procedure’s inhumane nature. Governor Maura Healey signed the bill into law on January 10, 2025, making Massachusetts the third state in the U.S. to outlaw declawing, following New York and Maryland.

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Animal Welfare, Community Cats Ohio Animal Advocates Animal Welfare, Community Cats Ohio Animal Advocates

Winter Care for Community Cats

As winter approaches, it’s essential to make sure our community cats have a warm, safe, and comfortable place to call home. These outdoor cats face the challenges of colder temperatures, wind, and snow, making it crucial that we provide them with shelter to weather the season. In this two-part series, we'll be sharing expert tips from Louise on how to create winter shelters and provide effective care during the colder months.

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Cats, Spay/Neuter, Veterinary Medicine Ohio Animal Advocates Cats, Spay/Neuter, Veterinary Medicine Ohio Animal Advocates

Feline Fix by Five: Preventing Unwanted Litters and Promoting Feline Health

For years, there was no clear consensus on the best age to spay or neuter cats, leaving pet owners and veterinarians uncertain about the right timing. The Veterinary Task Force on Feline Sterilization, backed by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), has now set a clear guideline: kittens should be spayed or neutered before they reach five months of age. This recommendation helps prevent unwanted pregnancies and offers significant health benefits, including reduced risk of certain cancers, infections, and behavioral issues such as spraying and roaming.

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Cats Ohio Animal Advocates Cats Ohio Animal Advocates

How to Build an Emergency Cat Shelter

When a bad storm or sudden cold snap is arriving soon and time is of the essence, use the design described here to quickly build an adequate temporary shelter. You'll need a cardboard box (cardboard is actually good insulation), duct tape, shredded newspaper, a pair of scissors and either a plastic drop cloth that's 3 millimeters thick (a common item in the paint department at Home Depot or a hardware store) or contractor trash bags at least 3 millimeters thick.

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Webinar Ohio Animal Advocates Webinar Ohio Animal Advocates

Prevent Surrenders, Protect Bonds: Surrender Prevention Certification Workshop

As a Surrender Prevention Specialist, you may be the difference between a cat losing her home and staying in her home. Join this session to learn what surrender prevention is and why it works. Instructed by Dr. Rachel Geller, she will share real examples, with proven results, setting the potential surrenderer and cat on the road to a happy relationship together and keeping the cat in her home. We'll cover how to empathize with cat owners, working around their limitations (financial, time, patience), and focus on the 3 most common reasons for surrender: litter box problems, scratching (and not on the scratching post!), and inter-cat aggression. Take advantage of the interactive format, extensive handouts, and video footage of actual techniques. This session is being recorded and recordings will be shared. Attendees will receive a certificate after taking a short quiz.

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Webinar Ohio Animal Advocates Webinar Ohio Animal Advocates

Webinar: Colony Caretaking Tips & Tricks

Are ants invading your colony cats’ bowls? Struggling to keep water from freezing in the winter? Or maybe you're trying to calm a frustrated neighbor whose flower bed has become a litter box? This webinar is for you!

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“We can change the world and make it a better place. It is in your hands to make a difference.”

— Nelson Mandela