Honor a lost loved one, recognize someone special, or commemorate a milestone by making a special gift in their name that will help protect animals.
A Tribute gift is a personal way to recognize a human and/or animal by dedicating a gift to Ohio Animal Advocates in their name. You can give in honor, memory, or celebration.
Make a gift in honor of someone close to you by listing them as the Honoree when you donate. You can also cherish the memory of a loved one by giving a gift in their memory. This is a wonderful way to recognize the important impact someone has had on your life by donating to OAA. Finally, give in celebration of a birthday, anniversary, wedding, graduation, or other special occasion. You may donate any amount to see your featured photo and loving message here.

12/2/24 “In loving memory of my mother, Freda Wilson, whose love and guidance will forever remain in my heart. Though she is gone, her spirit lives on in everything I do.” - Diana Watkins

4/25/2024 “In remembrance of dearly beloved Lynx. May her memory live on in the hearts of all those who loved her.”

3/24/2024 “In memory of the beloved Calvin Fitzgerald, or Fitz for short – we truly miss you.” – Michelle Lanham, Will, and Pete Horosz

12/18/2023 “Jilly was a good girl – always dealing with medical challenges but happy to be loved and part of a family.” – Stuart Steinberg

11/28/2023 “Henry was a neighborhood stray who chose me to be his mom. We had 15 years together and he was such a sweet boy. He’s in kitty heaven now. I miss him every day but am thankful for our time together.” – Carol Olberding

7/6/2023 “In loving memory of Harry Thompson and his life commitment to helping the community cats of Tuscarawas County.” - Brandi Dyson-Van Meter

7/28/2023 “In honor of the OAA Board, staff, interns and volunteers that work so hard every day for Ohio’s animals.” - Arlene Marx

8/7/2023 “In memory of our beloved Priscilla, who cared deeply for all animals including her dog Ginger.” – Jennifer Lausterer

12/25/2022 “John and Karen thank RICO Pet Rescue for saving this lost dog over the holiday winter storm and getting him into adoption.” – John and Karen Thompson

9/4/2022 “Melonie’s dog, Stella, is now in heaven with her beloved mom.” – Tom Stanton

8/25/2022 “Memories of our Daisy over the holidays – how we miss you after 18 years of you being the center of our lives.” – Ron and George

3/8/2022 “Former ODNR Director Joe Sommer, my dad, cared about Ohio’s wildlife and the environment that supported them his entire life.” – Joe Sommer Jr.

2/11/2022 “Pablo and Katrinka – Thanks for being our first Siberian Huskies and teaching us how to adore winter and be a loving family pack. Wishing you en eternity of snow shenanigans wherever your Spirits are running free.” – Lisa Hong and Joe Pustai

2/11/2022 “Saber and Jade – We love you and miss you every day. Thanks for bringing constant joy and adventure to our lives!” – Lisa Hong and Joe Pustai

1/26/2022 “Melonie Miles was loving to every needy companion and farm animal that crossed her path. She will truly be missed by all the people and animals that loved her.” – Tom Stanton

12/31/2021 “Thank you Betty for your lifetime effort in caring for animals” – Kids Against Animal Cruelty and Lisa DeGeeter

8/6/2021 “In memory of David Hill and his cat Libby, who both shared a full lifetime of love with each other” – Vicki Deisner

6/30/2021 “Miss my furry ballerina Sox” – Marti Worth

5/17/2021 “Halo – you were such a bright, warm, loving big heart in your small body. It was such an honor and joy to know you!” – Ellen Graham, Linda Studer and Gene Klingler

3/1/2021 “Thank you Mary Jane for the many years of companionship and love. You were family” – Ellen Graham

1/21/2021 “Willie, our little sweet dog, will always be remembered and missed” – Havey Oscar Green

1/21/2021 “My dear Pepper – it has been almost a year and I think of you every day and always will” – Pat Currie

1/13/2021 From Nancy Blaney, in loving memory of Cas Deisner. “The only cat I know to style in a holiday sweater” – Nancy

12/25/2020 From Vicki Deisner, in loving memory of Dottie. “You are always in my heart” – Vicki

12/05/2020 “Ami & Pookie – you will be forever missed” – Arlene Marx

12/01/2020 From Stuart Steinberg, in memory of his beloved dog, Drew

05/22/2020 From Dwight Garner, in loving memory of Abby Lavelle. Thank you for all that you have done for our community, organization, and all of our furry friends. One of the co-founders of Ohio Animal Advocates. A loving friend, peer, mom, and animal rights advocate.

12/20/2019 Alibaba–the best “teacher” of love. We miss you. - Kathy and Kipp Monroe

12/18/2019 From Don and Bee Friedlander in honor of Ellen Graham and her cat, Mary Jane

12/01/2019 From Carlos and Diane Alcibar, in loving memory of Dolores Blankenship & Pearlie

11/30/2019 From Mark and Deb Malvin, in loving memory of Guin

11/30/2019 From Deb and Mark Malvin, in loving memory of Lance
“What we once enjoyed and deeply loved we can never lose, for all that we love deeply becomes part of us.”
— Helen Keller