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Safe Shelter for Companion Animals of Survivors of Domestic Violence in Summit & Medina Counties
The Battered Women’s Shelter (BWS) of Summit and Medina counties have achieved something incredible: housing for survivors of domestic violence that allows their companion animals! Recently awarded the Office for Victims of Crime Emergency and Transitional Pet Shelter Shelter and Housing Grant, BWS is looking to add the Hope and Healing Pet Shelter to help house family companion animals in close proximity to their 40,000 square foot building with the ability to board 154 survivors of domestic violence.
Safety Planning with Pets
Planning for your pet's safety is just as important as planning for your own. For many survivors of domestic violence, the thought of leaving behind a beloved pet can prevent them from seeking safety. That's why it's crucial to create a pet-inclusive safety plan.
Keep Your Pets Safe This Halloween
Remember these pet-friendly tips to have a spooktacular Halloween!
“We can change the world and make it a better place. It is in your hands to make a difference.”
— Nelson Mandela