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Pet Planning Ohio Animal Advocates Pet Planning Ohio Animal Advocates

Protecting Your Pets During a Disaster

As we witness the ongoing devastation caused by the California fires, our hearts are with those directly impacted and all who are feeling the weight of these events. Natural disasters and emergencies can happen to anyone, anywhere. If and when these events occur, your animals will depend on you to keep them safe. The best way to do this is by being prepared. Here are some steps you can take to ensure the safety of both you and your animals during an emergency.

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Cats Ohio Animal Advocates Cats Ohio Animal Advocates

How to Build an Emergency Cat Shelter

When a bad storm or sudden cold snap is arriving soon and time is of the essence, use the design described here to quickly build an adequate temporary shelter. You'll need a cardboard box (cardboard is actually good insulation), duct tape, shredded newspaper, a pair of scissors and either a plastic drop cloth that's 3 millimeters thick (a common item in the paint department at Home Depot or a hardware store) or contractor trash bags at least 3 millimeters thick.

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Webinar Ohio Animal Advocates Webinar Ohio Animal Advocates

Webinar: Colony Caretaking Tips & Tricks

Are ants invading your colony cats’ bowls? Struggling to keep water from freezing in the winter? Or maybe you're trying to calm a frustrated neighbor whose flower bed has become a litter box? This webinar is for you!

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“We can change the world and make it a better place. It is in your hands to make a difference.”

— Nelson Mandela